A voltage stabilizer is an electronic device able to deliver relatively constant output voltage while input voltage and load current change over time. In the simplest case, an emitter follower is used, the base of the regulating transistor is directly connected to the voltage reference. There are two major types of voltage stabilizers: Solid-state electronic (static) voltage stabilizer and Servo controlled (electro-mechanical) voltage stabilizers. And what are the differences between them?
Servo Voltage Stabilizer
Servo voltage stabilizer comprises a buck-boost transformer, a motor-driven variable transformer, and a control circuit. When there is any variation in the input supply, the control circuit increases or decreases the voltage on the primary buck-boost transformer, by controlling the variable transformer. The whole process is instantly done by constantly sensing the output voltage. Servo voltage stabilizers are used to provide stable voltage output even under extremely unbalanced voltage situations. These stabilizers are mainly used to protect the electrical and electronic equipment from being damaged due to high and low voltage. Actually, they are voltage controllers and are used in various fields. They are extremely useful in processing plants. There are some servo stabilizers that also help to save energy to a greater extent.

Static voltage stabilizer
Most of these voltage stabilizers have a transformer with various tapping and a control circuit that senses the input supply and accordingly the output is taken from one of the tappings of the transformer. Usually, static voltage stabilizers with 220V single phase, are used for domestic purposes (like refrigerators and air – conditioners) and for applications that are small and not very sensitive.
The static voltage stabilizers are the devices that maintain the constant output voltage, which is an SMPS type of stabilizer for the mains voltage that is AC input voltage and the AC output voltage. Static voltage stabilizers are the type of devices which does not include any of the motor-controlled parts as in the case of the servo-controlled voltage stabilizer system. Here is the voltage is produced to achieve the correction in voltage and time. Therefore the stabilizer is having extremely high voltage with a high primary to secondary ratio for the voltage correction speed than the servo-based voltage stabilizer system.